A “Haunted” House.
Considerable excitement was created here on Monday and Tuesday by a report that the house formerly occupied by Mr. Hill, ironmaster, and portions of which are now tenanted by two poor families, named Atkins and Wanklin, was the scene of supernatural appearances. It is said that during Monday night certain unaccountable noises were heard, and a number of cinders and pieces of unwrought iron fell from the ceilings and started from the upright walls.
Two or three hundred persons congregated near the house to witness the phenomenon, and in their eagerness to have ocular demonstration that there was no deception, they broke in one or two of the windows. It is stated by as many as half a dozen respectable persons that whilest they were in the house pieces of cinders issued from the ceiling in a most unaccountable manner, and the woman of the house declares that 3 1/2d in coppers also made their appearance in a similar way.
Two or three years ago a similar report was raised. The house is a large and rambling one, and has not been regularly occupied for ten or fifteen years.
Birmingham Journal, 19th August 1854.