
West Bromwich, West Midlands (1978)

 Mystery of ‘happenings’ among the fashions.

Shop girls plan sit-in to trap a ghost

By Edward Stephens.

Shop assistants at a West Bromwich store are planning an all-night ghost-hunting session – after spooky carryings on. The staff at Van Allen’s women’s fashion shop in the Sandwell Centre are near convinced the shop is haunted. And the theory is that it could be the ghost of a man who was stabbed in a pub, long since demolished, which used to stand on the spot.

Over the years there have been instances of: Unexplained footsteps on the stairs; Boxes hurled at one of the assistants; Sink taps suddenly turned on; Heavy metal lockers rattling when no-one was near; Tobacco smells when no-one was smoking.

Manageress Mrs Sandra Hampson said it was quite common for footsteps to be heard going up the stairs and for staff to go to the upper floor expecting to find customers. “I am not a believer but I have been present in the staff room when the sink taps have suddenly been turned on,” she said. “And there have been instances where staff have been convinced someone was standing behind them. Most of us are just curious rather than worried by these occurrences, although one fo the staff is pretty scared. The girls are hoping that if they do have an all-night sit-in we might find out exactly what the ghost is. For years we just called it Mildred but since we have found out about the murder we shall have to change its name.”

Assistant Miss Heather Newbold said the ghost had never caused anyone any harm although there seemed to be more incidents when he was talked about. There had been occasions when members of staff had seen a full cup of coffee move off a saucer without being able to explain it. There was also an instance when an electrical repair man said he had just seen a man in a dark suit – when there was no man in the shop, she said.

There is a reference to a murder near the spot, in West Bromwich library records, but no full details are given.

The ghost hunters… manageress Sandra Hampson (centre) and assistants.

Sandwell Evening Mail, 23rd September 1978.