Haunted house story starts in new place; Ontario has one now.
Windsor, Ont., March 15 –
Franklin Crandall, a teamster, who lives with his wife and three children on McCawn [McEwan] avenue, has a ghost story, and the phenomena has placed the family in a state bordering on mental terror. For th elast two weeks what the family believes to be the spirit of Mrs Crandall’s father, who died two weeks ago in Jackson, Mich., has haunted their home.
Late Tuesday night, Crandall claims he was lifted from his chair and sent sailing across the room to the feet of his wife who sat dosing as the couple awaited the “ghost’s” appearance.
Moaning and crying “Flossie,” “Pearl,” “Flossie,” the spirit hovered about the room, according to Crandall, then disappeared as silently as it had come. During the night, feeble knocks were heard on the walls and ceiling and now and again an odd moan and [?], but, eventually, all was quiet, and the spirit vanished.
The Edmonton Bulletin, 16th March 1922.