
Winston, County Durham (1875)

 The Winston “Ghost.”

At the Barnard Castle Police-court, on Wednesday, a respectably attired female, about seventeen years of age, named Margaret Rowe, was charged with committing wilful damage at Winston. Mr Deighton, farmer, stated that since last April strange and unaccountable noises had been heard in various rooms in his house. At intervals loud knocks were heard, and invariably on the appearance of the “apparition” windows were smashed wholesale.

A vigilant watch was kept, but up till Tuesday night the whole affair was shrouded in mystery. On the night in question, the little game was again tried. The police had been on the spot but a short time when a window was smashed. The officers at once soured the buildings, but came upon nobody but Mr Deighton and his son, armed with double-barrelled guns. Sergeant Taylor then requested the servants to be called, and the prisoner was charged with the offence, whereupon she threw herself upon the ground and commenced shrieking. 

She then confessed that she had committed the act, and stated that she had been promised a large sum of money by a person named Spence, whom Mr Deighton a short time ago prosecuted on a charge of attempting to stab. 

Prisoner now pleaded that she confessed because she was frightened into it by the police, and the appearance of the handcuffs, and that her master said if she did not confess he would break her head. The Bench were satisfied as to the prisoner’s guilt and fined  her £1 including costs.

Richmond and Ripon Chronicle, 9th October 1875.