‘Poltergeist’ puts young mum to flight.
A young Black Country mother says she has been forced to flee her home because of a poltergeist. Now Mrs June Zachariasz aged 21, refuses to return to her semi-detached house in Burton Crescent, Heath Town, Wolverhampton. She has asked Wolverhampton Council for an immediate move for her and her children Adrian, aged one, and Anthony, aged two. She left her home for the last time, she says, on Saturday night, claiming the poltergesit had smashed a bottle against a sideboard, then slashed her across the chest with the jagged end causing a wound which needed seven stitches at the Wolverhampton Royal Hospital.
In the six weeks she has lived in the house Mrs Zachariasz says: Windows and doors have mysteriously banged open and shut in the night; The poltergeist has tried to strike her over the head with a bottle, narrowly missing her; Her children’s mechanical toys have started up on their own; A television aerial moved from one side of the set to the other of its own accord; The house is always freezing, even with the heating turned right on full.
“The last attack was the final straw,” she said. “The bottle flew up in the air, smashed and gashed me. I ran to try and get out of the room, but though the handle on the door turned, I couldn’t open it. My children were upset and I was screaming, I cannot spend another night there.”
A friend of Mrs Zachariasz Mr Steven Whitehouse, said “I have been in the house and heard thumping and battering on the doors, but there is never anyone there when I investigate.”
Mr Brian Bailey, assistant director of housing at Wolverhampton Council confirmed that Mrs Zachariasz has applied for a housing transfer. “We will consider her case as a matter of urgency,” he said.
Father David Allport, parish priest of St Patrick’s in Wolverhampton, said that he blessed Mrs Zachariasz’s home when she moved in about a fortnight ago. But he emphasised he knew nothing of the poltergeist claims at the time and it was not an exorcism. Father Allport said: “I had a request about a fortnight ago to bless the house because they had just moved in. This is a common thing. It is to bring God’s blessing on the couple.”
Sandwell Evening Mail, 15th March 1983.
‘Ghost drove me from home.’
A Black Country mother has been found a new home after claiming she was being forced out of her house by a poltergeist. Mrs June Zachariasz, aged 21, refused to return to her semi-detached home at Burton Crescent, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, because she believed it was haunted. Now Wolverhampton Council has rehoused Mrs Zachariasz and her two children at Stanton Road, Wolverhampton.
[…] In the six weeks she lived at Burton Crescent, Mrs Zachariasz says that among other things: [list as above].
A spokesman for Wolverhampton Council said that Mrs Zachariasz has been rehoused on medical grounds.
Sandwell Evening Mail, 19th April 1983.