Ghosts and their doings.
For the last two or three weeks considerable excitement has prevailed in and around Wormleighton in consequence of a very generally-received rumour that Mr Thursby’s house in that village was haunted, and that some unquiet sprite rang the bells inside the house every night. That the bells rang is true; and that after Mr Thursby had them pulled down, the bell-ringing gave place to knocking on the walls, is equally true; but that anything less etheral than a buxom wench was the cause of it all, our readers may judge for themselves by the sequel.
A watch having been set outside the house, the knocking still continued; but on the watch taking his place the following night in proximity to the servants’ bed room, he heard quite sufficient to enable Mr Thursby to exorcise the malignant spirit. Next day the cook was discharged; and there has been no more nocturnal knocking or bell-ringing heard.
Banbury Guardian, 4th June 1857.